today i receive a message :
Tlg pg jumpe en amri utk mendapatkn maklumat pasal perkhemahan. Jumpe en amri hari ni. sy dxdapt jumpe sbb sy xde kt kl. Tq.
So funny! i don understand, why only now want to see the lecturer? All the rests' uniform club already had confirmed the camping date and place. And, it's not in my duty as a secretary. Im not the one who need to find the lecturer. I only need to do and settle all those paper work! Really funny, not in kl so what?! Dai sai meh!
And when i reach home, "someone" lah, ask me about the camping thing, seem like im the one who incharge of it. talk like im the one who should go to find the lecturer. Please lah, see whose the president, don come to find me and talk to me in that manner. REally spoil my mood!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A message..
Posted by
4:55 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
after piano class at Ms Belinda's place, im going to jj with jj and jasmine. haha. both of their names got 'J'. And we had little time there, having my dinner, their ice cream, sushi and shop for some food...
Haha, whenever i enter the jj's food court, i will always eat this only:
Posted by
11:33 PM
This morning went to college at 11.30am... only have 2 hours class -- piano class.. So funny, my class combine with 2.5, but there are only 12 from my class, and 5 from 2.5. Suppose each class has 17 people, but today, combine two classes' students only has one class' number. Lecturer gives us pressure again. We only left 2 more weeks to practice before the final exam. All major and minor scales up to 5# and 5b need to be played in hands together, two octaves. Arpeggios also up to 5# and 5b major and minor scales, but played in separate hand. Then, we need to transpose a piece, either up or down a major 2nd, minor 2nd, major 3rd and minor 3rd. This is really tough la. Sight reading also has problem, and we are not use to transposing a piece! Besides that, we need to play the chord I, IV and V in the position that the examiner ask to in the major and minor scales that we've learned. Last part is to accompany a song, either using broken chord style, arpeggios or strumming... So crazy! I wonder how to practice all those, especially to the beginners.. And our lecturer told us that each student will be in the exam room for 30 minutes! And the examiner is a degree holder pianist. haha, but how come the module that she writes so many mistakes...
Posted by
11:16 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Alone at home~~
Alone at home,
i can do whatever i like,
playing the piano without closing door,
listening to songs with speakers loud volume on,
watching dramas and laugh as loud as i want.
Alone at home,
don need to clean the toilet and floor,
don need to hear the disgusting voice that i don want to hear,
don need to look at other people's face,
don need to avoid people that i dislike.
Alone at home,
although is boring but it can be very peaceful,
the whole house is mine!
Posted by
9:17 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Old and new...
This is my first new phone that i had... Before this phone, i use my dad's 8250, butterfly.. haha, because i had dropped it so many times till it cant be repair so i had no choice, have to change phone... and bought this at Sungai Wang, KL..
After 2 years...
My nokia 3100 already "kong".. Haha, keep on switch off by itself during messaging and calling...
Regarding to this, my daddy bought me this, Sony ericsson K810i during the holidays..

Posted by
10:33 PM
I had 11 days of holidays during raya... haha, as usual.. im going back to kuching. but because of the price of tickets very expensive, i can only go home on the 13th.. that's the Raya day. But, instead of having 11 days of holidays, actually i had 2 days off earlier.. Because after our practical assignment on Monday, most of the coursemates had went back. Thus, having 4 boring days at Bintang Mas...
Time flies very fast. one week holiday went off like this... Thinking back what i had been doing in kuching... Just... Eat and sleep... but one happy thing is i can spend more time with my family.. Especially my eldest brother also going home from KK. My mummy and daddy sure very happy because both of us going back for one week holidays. Ha, since my brother is taking the same course with me, therefore, my whole family's holiday are the same. Both my parents are teachers, my youngest brother still in primary five. Actually, this is not a bad thing, as if we want to travel during the holidays, none of the family member will be missed out.
Besides that, having a good time with my relatives too... My big aunt came to kuching from Sibu because attending a wedding dinner. Then my 16th mile's uncle also came back from Sabah. Therefore, on 14th night, we had a BBQ at my 16th mile aunt place... haha, meet my cousins and other aunts too...
At the same time, i also met Chia Sing, for his son's one month lunch... Haha, so many happy things happens during the holidays...
Posted by
7:36 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
The Lord is my strength!
This is a little keychain that i received on yesterday.. Given by Siew Ching because we are involved in the sunday school holiday bible camp. haha.. really nice of her. i like this key chain very much... But.. i wont use it la.. because too sayang already.. so, will be put in the little box where i put all my keychains in... haha...
Posted by
10:24 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Someting good...
Haha, jasmine see me so angry then she gives me something to calm me down and cheer me up...
Here it is... Jelly with nata de coco...
Really nice...
Thanks a lot...
Posted by
5:23 PM
Yiiiieeeeeerrrrrrr!!!!! REally disgusting!!!!!!
First is the toilet floor. dunno what it is, green green one!! And a lot of BLACK footprint!!!! How many times i need to tell them ha. take a scoop of water to wash leg is it so hard???? How come they so dirty!!!! If comfortable with dirty place then go sleep at rubbish room, don need to pay.
Then, this week is my turn to mop the floor. when i take up the floor cleaner, so shock man. the last time i use still got half of it, now left 2-3 scoop of the bottle cap only!!!! How come? how come?
Got people very clean meh? need to use it till so fast? never see the floor and toilet that clean also!!!! And the body of the bottle full of the dry cleaner. Dunno how they pour the liquid out till the whole bottle like that. Disgusting!!!!! Use 2 scoop of water then it will be very clean. So clever to use the cleaner that much, then dunno how to clean the bottle. Really funny.
Next after mop the dirty floor. a housemate just mop it last week, only one week already very dirty. Especially the kitchen. Both wet and dry kitchen. Really no brain to think one, get so good result for what, when leg is dirty and wet also don want step on the clothes at the kitchen. But to make the kitchen full with footprint! u think your foot print very pretty huh?
Angry!!!! Really angry!!!! Then who else, when i want to sit down and rest, take my bottle to drink water. then i think of the water at the kitchen. EMPTY!!!!! Why all the bottles empty???? Because got ppl always drink that much of water but never think of boiling it. Is it need to take so much time to boil the water? just 5 MINUTES!!!! Not 5 years!!! But sometimes over pula. boil and boil, till no place to put. I wonder what's the function of the eye?
Spoilt my mood!!!
Posted by
4:38 PM
Piano vs vocal?
Haha.. we're going to sit piano and vocal exam on monday. wah.. so nervous..
Thinking back, i have been taken a long time to choose the song that im going to play for the piano exam... i keep changing songs.... hesitating.... which to play, which confident to play, and which sound nice... But lastly... i have come out with a nice song (i think la), which also "approved" by all my classmates and lecturer. haha... Aquarius by Pam Wegwood. Its a nice song. A friend told me she feels the watery of the song when i play it... this really a great compliment to me.. and i feel confident... thanks yen yin..
Then how about the vocal exam? haha.. i really wanna laugh.. so hard to sing the song.. Tanah Pusaka... i choose it out of Setangkai Mawar and Gelombang Jasa. So hard... placement... placement.... not enough breath... expresion.... Hope i can manage to sing well...
Posted by
12:11 AM