Yeah! finally last subject is over...
Haha, the moral paper is still okay, not so tough than i expected. but then, the exam hall is new for me. haha. i discover something meaningful there. For the first time i sit in the 2nd front table... haha, can look at what the lecturers are doing when they're keep an eye on us. So funny, they chat too loud till i cant concentrate much on recalling the facts that i had read. Really annoy... Then, the lecturer so funny, because we are in two exam hall but separated by a wall only, and there's a door for the lecturer to walk to the other hall, then when he wanted to tell us to start or finish the paper, he needs to repeat twice the same sentences which each of us can hear clearly. This makes most of the students laugh.
Haha, after finish the paper, we planned to go out to had a dinner and walk... Carmen, jasmine, laks and i went to Time Square's Hou Sek restaurant to treat ourselves a delicious dinner. haha. we took lots of photos there, i bet the waiters feel weird about us. Then we went to Low yat... And i look for the card reader, as my laptop don have it... Need it for my phone's card...
After that, carmen and i met yet huan at Time Square and went to Titingwangsa together. While jasmine and laks go on their own walk... JJ will also meet us there.... Haha, when we reach the station, we saw JJ come out from the train, that's mean four of us be in the same train! haha, what a coincidence.
We took lots of photos there... Eye on Malaysia.... But, unfortunately, it's too late when we wanted to had a ride on it... Therefore we can only took photos... Met my coursemates too and we had took some photos together... Really a sweet memory before i left KL in the year 2007.
So, take care everybody and see you all next year lo!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Finish 2nd year!
Posted by
2:23 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Vocal test
Today i had my vocal test. all of us wearing white long sleeves blouse and long black skirt. haha, all the music students looks alike, just like last time in the primary or secondary school like that.
My vocal test is still okay, the aural part B quite tough. some of my classmates didnt answer the first sight singing question. because too hard. the OUM promise us only pentatonic scale will come out, but then it come out the whole key. the note "ti" and "fa" also got. i think this is unfair!
Anyway, at least i completed every section. hope tomorrow's piano wont be that tough...
Posted by
3:01 PM
Little notes on fridge...
Recently me and my housemates like to post little notes at the fridge. Haha, because we always talk and tell them verbally, they cant understand. so the best sollution is post up to the fridge. Everyone will open the fridge for sure so sure will see it.
And then, we always will got some funny feedback lo... everything that is posted up sure got response one. sometimes makes us angry, sometimes makes us laugh. haha. really funny. wanna take a look?
Here it is >>>>
Posted by
2:51 PM
Final exam!!!!
Today is the day for us to have our final exam....
Jia you everyone!!!
Posted by
7:22 AM
我们打算今天就把账单还清,没时间了。等到你还每次都很迟。前几天我已经把要准备的钱的数目贴在冰柜上了,你没看到吗? 今天最后一天还。贴了那么多天,你没看到的吗?难道就不能早些还吗?叫你今天一大早把钱放在我桌上,你说你房间是做钱的啊!有没有搞错??你跟人家追钱还时有没有先给人准备啊?先看看自己是怎样的才来说别人吧! 而且,我已经先把纸条贴上去了。
Posted by
7:09 AM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Nowadays i keep sleep and sleep only at home...
Yesterday i sleep about 18 hours in a day, wah... haha. geng le? wake around 2pm.. then eat my lunch, after that i take a nap again around 4pm like that... till seven something. haha...
Today i wake late also, then nap in the afternoon again. maybe during practical time no time to sleep, so now got so much time so sleep as much as i can.. final is coming soon, but dunno why still very lazy to open the module and read it line by line, words by words. most of the time i just scanning and skimming. today's target is 4 chapters, but i just finish read 2 pages. Finish my highlight too, so it is one of the reason which makes me keep on giving myself excuses not to read the module.
Posted by
8:08 PM
Malam Mesra Jabatan Muzik IPIK...
It is held on the 6/11/2007, but im too busy these few days so havent post up anything yet...
We enjoy much the malam mesra, as this is the first time, all the music students, (8 classes) gather together can had a dinner. We had performances from every class. Singing, choir, band, dancing, playing with rhythm... A lot...
The best group is from the KPLI's... They can sing and play the instrument very well... They're really amazing! But they had finished their course in IPIK, so that night is their last night with us. They are very talented... I'll post up the video as soon as i got it from my coursemate ya.
By the way, i still love my class' performance. Although its just simple, but at least everyone took part... We sing the song "Tanah Pusaka", in slow style then change to swing style with band accompanied.. Amirul played the guitar, Azizi played the drum, Carmen played the keyboard and i played the bass guitar. Then the rest singing the song. Its quite fun though, as we went though thinking the motion of the song when they sing. Lots of funny ideas came out but some of them cant be used at all la, haha, later will make the lecturer pengsan. But at the end, we managed to pratice and even before our performance on the stage, we practice in the dark outside the cafeteria. haha, really funny. But when we work something together, united is very important. I love this class so much, as everyone very united. Yeah>>> E2.7!!!
pei chy, ms lim, pn. ching, mr mah
yet huan, hooi ling, me, yen yin and wen xin
mei wen and zi yin...
Posted by
10:53 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Tagged by Jasmine...
被 嘉敏 點名做問卷。
美国迪士尼乐园 ,很想去玩玩看。
11. 现在最想学好的东西是什么?
哈,一起下厨吧! 不过,以后还有电话,不怕失去联络。
A. 被點到名字的要在自己的博客裏寫下自己的答案,然後去掉一個你最不喜歡的問題再加上一個你的問題,仍然組成20個問題,傳給其他8個人,列出其他8個需要 回答問題的人的名字,還要到這8個人的博客裏留言通知對方----你被點名了,被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。
Posted by
11:29 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
TAng Yuan....
haha... finally can eat tang yuan again...
This time jasmine make a special one... not only tang yuan, there are one more thing, hehe... pretty and delicious thing...
Then, after 3 hours, both of us cook mee again to eat. but le, i don have any instant mee left so she sponsor me again.. haha, we fried the sausages and add in eggs and vege.. haha, this is the new recipe for me as i cook myself i wont go buy the vege and i dunno what's the name of the vege too.. haha. Thanks to jasmine, hehe, she requests me to write one more post to thank her haha...
This is the mee...
Posted by
10:51 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
当别人说你的坏话的时候,是不是应该挺身而出维护你 ?
Posted by
3:51 AM
突然, 对身边的人、事、物都感到很失望。。。
人生就是这样吗? 真的不会有真心的朋友吗? 当你认为他/她是你最知心的朋友时,你会发现到他们未必会帮你说话。。。他们知道你的事情越多,任何时候,当你以为他们会保守秘密时,认为不可能是他们。。。不过,你或许会成为世界上最最最苯的人。
朋友间最讲究的就是信任。 你承诺了保守秘密就别说出去。这样,你伤害那位信任你的人。人们就是那么傻和苯,给别人信任都不要。当别人信任你的时候你就会爆出他们的事情,那么你就别埋怨为何会没有守信用的朋友,因为你自己都没有资格得到。
Posted by
3:16 AM
A letter from Yin...
Yesterday i received a letter from my cousin... very happy to receive a letter. although nowadays can contact someone with email, calls or sms but i still like to receive a letter. For me, the receive a letter, wrote by the person, can make me happier and light me up..
Last time when i was in primary and secondary school i love to write letters. I think i had wrote hundreds of letters, to my friends and cousins. haha. some i still keep it till now, but long time didnt read back already. But those old days passed... we've grown up.. Sometimes i wonder, why i cant be that happier than before? Is it i have too many things to think about? Or life is like that...
But, i am happier when i saw the bookmark that she puts inside the envelope together with the letter. haha, she made it herself. thanks... i like it so much..
She always will give me those encourage words...
Haha, here's the photo of it...
Posted by
12:58 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thanks to Jasmine...
Haha, i wrote this post is to thank Jasmine for teaching me how to cook a potato chicken. i always see her cook this but i never cook it myself. Today is the first time i cook the potato chicken with her guidance. hehe.. Thanks for teaching ya... So next time i got one more new recipe to cook for my meal.. hehe...
Posted by
12:35 PM
+_+ Cake...
Haha, i had really eat lots of things today...
Firstly, having lunch at cafe, then eat cheesy wedges at jj's kfc with jj and carmen, then go pasar malam eat fried kuey tiaw + lemon and grape drink, then having supper at yet huan's place. haha... if everyday can eat like this, then sure i'll get fatter, haha... i also hope so lah... Thanks to yet huan..
The drinks... pretty right?
My supper...
Posted by
12:04 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Today, we received a great news! We're going to have B.I.G test on monday!!!
B.I.G = Bina Insan Guru
Oh no... How can they suddenly say want to have test then test us? 30% out of 100%... Haih!!! And, we don have any module about the subject.. Usually, we had B.I.G during the tutorial time, but we never know what's the topics needs to be covered. We never had a proper B.I.G lessons since semester 1. gosh.... i wonder how are we going to sit for the exams without any lecture before hand...
Well, here's some topics that i get for the test, do jot down:
1. ciri2 kemahiran intra dan interpersonal
2. kepentingan kemahiran intra dan interpersonal
3. prinsip kemahiran interpersonal
4. maksud kecerdasan emosi
5. aktiviti2 wujud perpaduan di kalangan pelajar
6. langkah2 mengatasi tekanan
7. Tindakan yang akan diambil utk laksanakan projek jika dilantik jadi kk projek
Haha, i hope that the scheme of the answers wont be too strict. If not, dunno how to get marks for that...
Posted by
10:15 PM
PBSM meeting
Tomorrow at 11am will be another PBSM meeting again...
Haih!!! I also received another messages:
1. Tomoro pbsm taklimat perkhemahan. 11am. At SAC. Pls bring along da name list coz u nid 2 take attendance. And setiausaha very important tomoro. Thanks ya.
2. Juz 2 explain. Mayb u wil tot i berpihak to zul. Bt..i juz c every1 blur about da camp thg n every ajk including pengerusi n naib pengerusi iz nt doin their work make every1 blur bout dat matter. Dat y i find lecturer n they r goin 2 do a taklimat. NOT I HELP OTHER PPL DO WORK. So... dun look narrow on me.
Huh????!!!!! So funny... First thing, the attendance for the pbsm gerko had finished. We don need any formal meeting that need to take attendance anymore. And, i know im as the secretary very important, but one thing very funny, why do a meeting on friday? Tell you, half of the members wont go. because most of us do not have class tomorrow, and some of them had already went back to their hometown. Since like this, why not do the meeting on monday when everyone will go. and... tomorrow 11am, who is so clever choose that time? Alang-alang one... Haih... cant do much thing in the early morning, and cant do much thing in the noon also.
The second message, the first reaction when i received it was >>>>> very angry! What does he means by sending this to me? Had i ever say i look down on you? So funny. you do your things lah, i never say i look narrow on you! And please lah, either you help other or not, is your matter. not me, so i have no comments. And one thing i want to correct your words, you say about pengerusi and ajk didnt do well their work. Please lah, open wider your eyes and see, only the pengerusi didnt do well, don blame on the naib. Do you know that everytime we had pbsm meeting is the naib pengerusi the one who contact the lecturers? And our fellow friends? I bet you dunno. So please don say it that way. Some of us had done our job well but never being appreciate by you all. i really wish, next semester come faster, then i can pass my job to someone. haha. any suggestion for the secretary? lots of paper works to do.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Today went to college at 8am, walking with yet huan. Haha, actually class started on 8am, but we choose to go a bit late because the lecture never starts in time. Always will be a bit late, and now, almost don have class at all. None of the lecturers enter the class except for piano 1's lecturer, because we are going to have final practical exam in two more weeks.
As usual, reach college around 8.20-8.30am... haha, usually take up 20-30 minutes walk because we walk very slow.. Far from the music block, both of us saw some of our coursemates walking heading to the choir room.. Then we thought we'll have combine class for the vocal. but, when we reach the music block, we saw our lecturer passed by us! That's mean??? No class!!!! Oh no, if i would had know no class i will only walk to college at 12pm... because after 2 hours of vocal class then we had free time until 12.30pm... Haih... Just one hour class today.
Sit inside the classroom... dunno what to do.. because didnt bring module to read. Then, yet huan and i decided to go to the keyboard lab and practice our scales and exam pieces (both final practical test and ABRSM Grade 8 pieces)....
We had stayed 4 hours inside the keyboard lab except went to eat at cafe and just to practice the songs... i had finished played the whole book of Pam Wegwood's After Hours Volume 2, jj's grade 5 exam pieces, and the four songs that will be tested for the final exam and listening to the demo songs in the clavinova... Its so boring, the air con inside the room is very very cold... Haha, even i practice the Puppet Dance with yet huan together, count and count the timing...
Haha, therefore i had snapped some photos inside the keyboard lab...
This is my songs that i will play for the final exam... Aquarius...
This is my lunch at cafeteria... This is my first lunch at cafe after the holidays..
Posted by
9:31 PM
1st of november, makes me suddenly thinking of a person... long time ago, in the year 2000, i went to the first church camp at Matang Wildlife centre, Kuching. There, we had a good activity so called "the angel activity", so everyone will get a name from the person who incharge of this activity and we need to care about that person.
And my angel is the our pastor, this is very special to me, because i never thought will be him because that time, i only went to church on sunday morning only. Never went to fellowship, never included myself in any of the ministry, and don know most of the brothers and sisters in the fellowship. And, why will remember him? because his birthday falls on today. Haha... I knew it only before he tranfered to other church. So, i really wanna thank him because of his sharing about our God's words, and makes me believe in Christ. And most importantly, after the camp, i start to join the fellowship and start to serve in many ministries... Until today...
Posted by
9:23 PM