How does it feel when sick during practikum?
It's tiring, horrible... and terrible especially when i need to eat the medicine..
Thanks to Carmen, last night she drove me to see doctor as i was so sick that time. After i came back from school yesterday, i straight away bathed and slept.. Slept for 4-5 hours and i kept on feeling cold.. even when i wake i realized that Carmen put another blanket for me, but it was still seem i dint put on any blanket at all...
We went to Taman Pertama's policlinic together with Pauline, my coursemate. Im having bad cough, sore throat and fever. When i see the doctor, i asked him is there any medicine in liquid form? Then he scold me. I just need the liquid form because i will vomit the medicine when i try to swallow it.. But what to do, the liquid form is only for children below 12 years old.. Then he should just tell me like that and not scolding me by ask me to set my mind set la.. and all those. I know myself well. It is not that i don want to swallow, what happen is, everytime i sick and take medicine, i can swallow for the first time, but after thrice, i will start vomitting, im not the one who can control it. That's why, if im not sick till that serious, i WONT see doctor and take all those medicines. How much i hope my brother is here, he can alcupuncture me. i rather being inject by the needle than swallow the medicine.
Haha, well, luckily i found out ways to eat all those medicines. Guess what? i make it become liquid form myself by putting hot water on a spoon and put the medicine on. stir it with another spoon till it completely mix with the hot water and i drink it with full glass of water. Even the antibiotic also like that, but luckily it is in powder form. I just need to take away the capsule and pour it inside the spoon and mix with the hot water will do.
I cant imagine how am i going to teach without my voice in music class.... Someone who has experience do tell me...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sick during practikum...
Posted by
6:47 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Little things from Salak South...
Today after class i had went to Salak South with Yet Huan to buy music KBSR book..
But then, the books that we wanted did not sold in that bookshop.. then, we end up buying little things at HERO and DIY shop..
These are the things that i bought..
This is the sticker that me and yet huan both bought. haha. she says i pengaruh her to buy. but for me this is a very nice sticker haha... a lot of music notes here..
Posted by
10:12 PM
Belated birthday presents...
These two are the belated birthday presents from my friends.. actually i had took the pictures down long time ago but because the camera is carmen's and her batteries are not functioning well then i need to wait till i bought batteries only i can transfer them here..
Thanks you my friends....
Posted by
9:05 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
First day at SK Sri Suria...
well, im off to practicum already.. when i stand at SK Sri Suria, i still cant believe that im a teacher there, although it is practicum..
On the first morning, we wake up quite early to go school because we are scared of the traffic jam there. Then before 7am we had reached the school. And we are the first car to go in the school. The office had not open yet, then we wait in the car...
The first thing we did in the office was to write down our names and wait for the PK to come because our principle was not around. The PK had introduce us the details of the school and given us a handout to photocopy. Then she brings us walk around the classroom. The arrangement of the classroom is very systematic and neat. All the tahap 1 is in one block and tahap 2 is in another block. And all the same standards classes are in the same floor. so it is easy for us to look for the class. And we have our own table in the staffroom! so happy. haha. because from previous school based experience, i never had my own table inside the staffroom.
The things that i do on the first day only go to the exam room and help up with the teachers there. haha. first time i see the students very naughty till play and talk during their exams. and yet huan, carmen and i need to guard them. each of us stand at one corner in the front, middle and back part of the exam room..
Then.. that's it for my first day.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Har mee...
Today is a bit free.. But very lazy after wash 2 pails of clothes.. then, i had cook Har Mee to treat myself instead of cooking rice haha..
Posted by
11:51 AM
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Another day in class...
今天是星期六,可是得去学院上课。都是Hari Raya在作怪!为了有更长的假期,结果大家都得在这美好的星期六补课。
又是轻松的一天。。。 今天上了两小时的声乐课后大家都很空闲。讲师们都有开会,所以啊,又是自由时间了!
今天呢,大家都玩起了IQ游戏。在班上大家都喊来喊去。真的很好笑,尤其是玩"Black Magic"的时候。不曾玩过的人都会觉得很不可思议,为什么会玩的人都那么的"心灵相通", 可以猜到大家在想什么。其中的Azizi最好笑!他猜了最久,我们也在他面前表演了最久,可是到放学后他还是没头绪。看他绞尽脑汁的模样真的好好笑!也因为他不放弃的精神让当中的几位同学猜到游戏的秘诀。
后来,由于猜来猜去都一直猜不到,大家也玩了一些不同的游戏。我让他们玩"开关",这个游戏在场的所有人都没玩过,就给他们猜了有一阵子。后来,Wen Xin 最先猜到,所以她就帮助我一起证实答案。大家似懂又非懂的样子真的很可爱,真恨不得把他们的表情拍下来留念,可惜的是我都没有相机。那时,人也越来越多了,大家都在课室里围成一团,隔壁班的佩琳、礼文、Zack、惠琪和JJ也参与我们的游戏。而我自己班内的一些同学也回来参与我们。真的很热闹。。。
Posted by
2:55 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007
Shining friends...
Little faith brightens a rainy day
Life is difficult; you can't go away
Don't hide yourselve in the corner
You have my place to stay
Sorrow is gonna say goodbye
Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine
Keep going on with your dream
Chasing tomorrow's sunrise
The spirit can never die
Sun will shine, my friend
Won't let you cry, my dear
Seeing you shed a tear
Make my world disappear
You'll never be alone in darkness
See my smile, my friend
We are with you, holding hands
You have got to believe, you are my destiny
We're meant to be your friends
That's what a friend should be
This is the song that i received from a friend today. The song is very nice... if you want to listen, do visit
Posted by
6:56 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
昨天的课外活动我们一同策划了一个活动,举行一个歌唱比赛。。看见大家都很乐意分工及配搭。。真的很欣慰。 平时我们都很少可以一起搞活动,因为课业都很忙和紧逼。。
今天在学院都很轻松。。由于第一节的讲师有开会,所以我们都很空闲。。闲着闲着。。我们都玩起量身去。。美雯带的量身带都给我们用来量量腰围。。 有很多搞笑的局面。。。比如: 猜Mirul的腰围是多少。。 大家都说三子头。。 有三十三、三十四啦。。。 结果出来真的让我们笑到倒地。。。都比我们预算的还大了几寸。
唱呀唱,唱好了,大家都坐下来听故事。 什么故事呢? 听了Sha在加州的故事。。大家都听得很起劲,也笑了不少。真的好轻松。。
下课后我们和En. Yusri 有pedagogy的课,他叫了Mirul和Farah成为老师,我们剩下的十五人都成为顽皮的一年级生。两位教师的责任就是要管理上课情况及学生和教我们唱一首歌。。哈!我想可怜这两位老师了,我班做顽皮的学生可是出了名的。结果,有同学在课室里哭了、要尿尿了、大解了、不听话、自己玩了都有。。真是。。包罗万象!也亏大家都很创意及合作。真的希望出去实习时不会拿到这样的学生,不然真的会哭。哈哈,两位老师要教的一首"Keretaku"都不成形。。我们的讲师坐在后头笑到拿手帕擦眼泪。。
Posted by
9:49 PM